OutPlayed Review 2025: ( Previously Profit Accumulator )

Honest Review of Profit Accumulator

We get TONNES of requests for an OutPlayed.com review (previously Profit Accumulator ).

For those of you looking for an honest review, look no further.

We completely understand why so many people ask for it:

It can be really tough making decisions online with your money these days, especially when many people are worried that matched betting is a con.

There are plenty of other OutPlayed.com reviews out there, but when a large number of those sites earn money by convincing you to join the company, can you be certain that they can be trusted?

We wanted to provide the most detailed, in-depth, and honest post possible for anyone wondering if OutPlayed.com are any good.

That’s exactly what we’ve done here.

Read through to the end and remember to reach your own conclusions. Everything you read here is simply our opinion based on testing and experience.

General Overview of OutPlayed.com

OutPlayed ( originally Profit Accumulator ) was set up by Sam Stoffel in 2014.

It was not the first matched betting service in the world, but it was arguably the first one that really hit the mainstream.

It was marketed in a way that allowed it to rapidly grow, becoming the biggest service in the industry, and also growing the industry as a whole significantly.

Their Platinum service now costs £39.99-per-month (cancel anytime)

Or you could pay £250 for the whole year, which works out to a hefty saving of nearly £229 compared to paying monthly.

The also have a Diamond Membership which costs £49.99 per month, or £450 per year. This works out to be just £37.50 if you pay annually rather than monthly.

Sign up here to get your free trial.

For this you get full access to their casino bonuses and casino software, which enables you to tap into even more profits.

They also have a loyalty scheme which means if you’re a member for more than a year, you’ll save yourself a bit of extra cash.

But are they competitive on service and products?

We’ll explore that in significantly more detail in this post.

In fact, ‘significantly’ is an understatement.

We’ve torn apart every aspect of their products and services in order to put together this insane 3,000+ word Profit Accumulator review; the biggest and best review of their service on the planet.

Products & Services

OutPlayed.com (formally Profit Accumulator) has a variety of different products and tools on offer, helping you with all areas of matched betting.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re just starting out, or whether you’re looking to move on to become more advanced by making money on horse racing offers, football accumulator refunds and a whole load more.

They aim to cater to everyone, but do they succeed in this? 

Let’s scrutinise their products and services a little further:

Tutorials & Training Videos

If you are a total beginner to all of this, you will obviously be most focused on the standard of their tutorials, guides, and training videos.

We’ve selected a ‘sportsbook’ offer at random in order to test how in-depth each one is and whether you’d be able to learn from it.

Out of respect for members that have to pay to see this premium content, we’ve redacted the most important information.

The offer starts with an in-depth video, with the recommendation on the page that you should start by watching the video guide in its entirety:

Sign up offer test

We have watched the video through and can confidently say that it would guide the vast majority of people through the process of making a profit from the sign-up offer.

If we had one criticism, it is that the video came in a little on the long side – at over 12 minutes in length – meaning some people may lose focus. It probably could have been trimmed down to around 8-9 minutes, but the positive side of it being longer is that it gives beginners the chance to digest the information more carefully and fully understand it as a result.

If you don’t want to learn via a video and would instead prefer to learn via written instructions, the offer page also has an in-depth step-by-step guide:

Sign up offer - test 2

We believe the written guide is adequate for beginners to follow along with and make a profit.

While OutPlayed.com recommends that you follow both the video and the written guide, most people will be comfortable using one or the other. However, obviously it’s likely to be better if you do follow both – especially if it’s your first ever matched bet.

They have a large number of beginner matched betting tutorials and well-produced videos that talk you through each and every offer step-by-step.

It’s hard to make a mistake when completing your offers because the tutorials take you through the whole process from start to finish in great detail.

The guides cover every aspect of that particular bookmaker; signing up, finding your bet, choosing which odds to go for, getting your free bet, choosing what you should place your free bet on, wagering or rollover requirements, and more detail wherever necessary.

They write up a unique tutorial for each offer they put on their site – and these new betting offers go live every single day.

We often get people asking if there are any risks with joining Profit Accumulator, which there aren’t when it comes to matched betting the majority of the time.

We frequently have beginners emailing us asking “is Outplayed.com / Profit Accumulator legit?” and “does Outplayed.com / Profit Accumulator work?” – yes, they’re absolutely legit, and yes, it works well. Simple enough, right?

There are hundreds of opportunities on the site every week for you to earn money, regardless of if you’re already signed up to bookmakers.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re an experienced matched bettor, or someone completely new to the idea with no clue what matched betting is.

If you wanted to get started on their free tutorials, you can do so via this link.

Ongoing Offers & Profits

Many people are under the massively wrong impression that matched betting is only good for sign-up offers, and once you’re signed up to bookmakers you can no longer make any profit.

This is completely WRONG!

Even if you already have a Coral account, or a Bet365 account, or any other bookmaker account for that matter, you can still make a great deal of money every month from matched betting.

This is because of one main thing: reload offers.

These are the offers you can take part in when you’re already signed up to a bookmaker.

Reload offers are where the real money is; consistent returns, month after month.

OutPlayed’s claim to have more offers listed than anywhere else and also claim that they have the biggest ‘offers team’ – meaning more members of staff dedicated to finding potential profit opportunities and teaching users how to do them.

We’re not 100% sure if this claim is true but they do post a lot of offers.

They list all of the day’s or week’s offers all in one place – on their Platinum forum. This makes it easy to work your way through them on a daily basis.

In addition to reload offers, there are also a range of other enjoyable and extremely profitable offers to complete, such as casino offers and bingo offers.

They also have a ‘£1,000 per month‘ forum thread which is updated every day, listing all of the day’s offers that will ‘guarantee’ you at least £1,000 profit in a month.

1,000 a month thread

This can be used as a good guideline to help a user achieve the £1,000 monthly profit figure from low-risk reloads alone, although some offers are regularly repeated and might sometimes be likely to get you restricted by a bookmaker.


ProfitAccumulator has developed their own odds-searching software that comes with a range of features to assist bettors of all experience levels.

If you are totally new to this and are unsure what an oddsmatcher is, it’s the tool you will use most in the world of matched betting. By far.

It is how we find what to bet on; we don’t pick bets at random, we allow software to find us the best selections based on maths.

Originally, the site was using the oddsmatcher developed by Oddsmonkey.

However, when the two sites became direct competitors back in April 2017, it became essential for PA to develop their own tool as quickly as possible.

The original version had its limitations, but it’s now developed into a tool that has enough features to get all matched bettors debating which company has the better oddsmatcher.

The oddsmatching software includes a range of different markets within football, horse racing, tennis, American football, baseball, basketball and rugby.

It is useful because, instead of needing to manually find odds on bookmaker websites for you to place your bet on, you simply choose the bookmaker within the oddsmatcher and the odds you’re looking for – the odds that are recommended in each guide that you’re following.

Outplayed Oddsmatcher Page

It looks a lot more confusing than it actually is – after a day of training, things will make much more sense.

The oddsmatcher can also be used even for arbitrage bets.

Within the oddsmatcher you’re able to click on the odds and place your bet without ever needing to put any real effort in – their calculator is even built in to the software and does the calculations for you right there and then.

The main stand-out feature this tool possesses versus its competition is the fact it auto-refreshes.


One of the most off-putting things for beginners is wondering how much they need to bet on each outcome in order to make a profit.

Well, OutPlayed’s matched betting calculator is extremely simple to use.

You just put your odds in from the bookmaker and betting exchange, put the stake of your bet or the free bet, and it will tell you exactly how much you need to lay off and what your profit will be – regardless of the outcome of the event you’re betting on!

You will be taught how to use the calculator within the beginner guides, so if any of this seems confusing and you’re a beginner, – don’t worry.

We, of course, have our own free lay calculator right here on the site too, if you need one to bookmark.

There are a variety of other calculators, too, for as you progress through to a more advanced level.

One of the most popular calculators is the 2-up lock-in calculator, which makes use of the popular 2-up offer.

Match Catcher

The OutPlayed’s Match Catcher is one step ahead of their oddsmatcher – providing more up-to-date odds solely for horse racing special offers.

It updates in real-time, and specialises in finding odds on horses that are only featured in offer races.

On Saturdays and during big horse racing events like the Grand National and the Gold Cup, the Match Catcher can be a Godsend.

Match catcher for horse racing offers

This tool is set up each day to only include races that have promotions on them, and to only include the bookmakers that are running said promotions for each race.

One of the most useful aspects of this tool is that, once you’ve completed the offers on a certain race, you can remove that race from the filter. If you don’t have access to a certain bookmaker, you can remove them from the filter entirely.

It should save you a lot of time every time you use it, helping to further improve your matched betting ROI in terms of both time and money.

Accumulator Software

The ‘Acca Catcher’ will help you to make a profit from accumulators.

Accumulator offers are for slightly more experienced matched bettors (so don’t worry about them when first signing up) and our Acca Catcher review would be that it really is useful for completing accumulators and also staying on top of them.

Within the Acca Catcher, you have two different options to profit from accumulators; regular or lay all.

The two options give people a choice depending on their tolerance for risk.

With the ‘regular’ option, you select multiple games and ensure none of them overlap. You then lay each leg one-by-one depending on the result. With ‘lay all’ accas, you – as the name suggests – lay all of the games up front.

Acca catcher

Because they are +EV, or positive expected value, it means that users should profit from their selected accumulators.

However, accumulators can be confusing for new matched bettors.

We advise you stick to learning the basic offers before moving on to more advanced techniques like this.

Profit Tracker

Many people are often on the lookout for a matched betting spreadsheet to help them track bets and profits.

Whilst a spreadsheet is something we use here at Beating Betting, many people prefer the ease and speed of profit trackers; something that OutPlayed has on their site.

This allows you to track your bets, profits, and notes all in one place. Because it’s online, it means you can access your bet details whilst you’re out and about.

It also has a useful ‘balance sheet’ feature for tracking your bankroll, bookmaker deposits and pending withdrawals:

Balance sheet for bookies

Once you have joined ten (or more) bookmakers, it can become difficult to keep track of where your money is if you’re not organised.

The balance sheet is one of the most simple features of the site – but it’s one that had been missing from the industry for too long.

Matched Betting Forum

One of the best things about the company is the amount of help you get on their forum.

Their matched betting forum is packed with other matched bettors at all levels of experience, moderators and staff willing to help with offers.

Not only are they willing to help, but members are also constantly sharing new tips, notifying others of great odds in certain markets and generally being all-round useful people.

Everyone gets really involved in help and discussion 24/7, with jokes and casual chatter often finding a place.

Profit Accumulator forum

As cringeworthy as it sounds, we made a lot of ‘online friends’ on the OutPlayed.com forum back in the day.

Now, sadly, don’t get the time to engage in the forums on matched betting sites very much as we’re too busy running things here!

We have sometimes seen a number of users gloating about betting with big stakes from time-to-time, which we think is potentially detrimental to other users and the matched betting industry as a whole.

We don’t believe things like that are a good example to be setting to beginners, especially when newcomers can often be downhearted by achieving smaller profits.

We believe that any profit is a great result!

However, these comments of people bragging can also be used as motivation for many people.

Our advice:

If you’re a beginner or an intermediate level matched bettor, you shouldn’t worry too much about big stakes or huge wins.

If everyone starts piling on with four-figure bets because they see one or a few users bragging about how big they bet and how much they won, we’re going to see fewer offers released and many more accounts being shut down.

We’d also see more users getting into sticky situations with large portions of their bankroll tied up in withdrawals.

Stick to the limitations of your own bankroll and bet with what you’re comfortable with.

There is some criticism of heavy moderation on the forum at times too, such as the censorship of the names of other products and services.

However, at times, certain levels of moderation is necessary to prevent certain conversations from arising that aren’t allowed to be discussed. We just prefer things to be a little more open – provide a service so good that you don’t care if your competition is mentioned!

Customer Service & Support

As well as the forum moderators, the company’s support staff are reasonable.

They’re clued up on matched betting, but also provide good customer service whether you need to ask queries about their service or your membership via the phone or email.

Their service is usually absolutely fine, although with almost any company you’re going to have stories of unsatisfactory dealings.

Outplayed.com offer a full refund if you do not make your money back, so you are essentially freerolling the process.

Personally, when I first joined, I signed up for a full year to the paid ‘Platinum’ package.

My twelve-month membership, back in the day, cost me £150 and I was in profit after just two days, despite not understanding a thing about matched betting before I joined.

We had a number of disagreements with Outplayed in the past, but decided to put the past behind us and call it water under the bridge back in early 2018.

Most of our disputes came about because we felt their service did not provide value for money in the market, but we changed our opinion once they lowered their pricing and released a range of new features.

Comparison vs. Competitors

Outplayed.com were the biggest matched betting site around is in terms of active users, and when you become so successful, you’re going to have people rising and trying to challenge you for the throne.

It’s only natural.

It’s hotly contested between Outplayed vs. Oddsmonkey as to who is the better site for sports matched betting offers.

We favour Oddsmonkey (free trial here) on Beating Betting, but there are many people that prefer Outplayed.com (free trial here) too.

They both offer a free trial, so maybe you can try both for yourself and see which one you think is best.

For casino offers, and specifically high-risk casino offers, we think the best choice is Profit Maximiser (which you can find here).

Aside from paid competitors, many people are also on the lookout for free matched betting sites and free Profit Accumulator alternatives.

Free matched betting sites are fine, if you want to earn a £200-a-month profit. And some people do. That’s cool. We get it.

But for those that want to try to make significantly more, you have to invest just a tiny percentage of that in a site that will do all of the hard work for you.

ALSO READ: we now have a full comparison of the best paid and free matched betting sites.

Success Stories

There are thousands of Outplayed.com success stories, and these are shouted about in the various clubs they have on their forum.

They have a £1k profit club, a £3k profit club, a £10k, a £25k, a £50k and even a £100k profit club that has several members in – all from matched betting through the site!

As well as providing many success stories on a regular basis, these clubs also provide motivation for many other matched bettors.

There is also a thread on the forum for showing off things you’ve purchased with your matched betting profits – further enforcing the success stories that every single member of the site will replicate.

Outplayed (Profit Accumulator) Subreddit

There isn’t a section on Reddit for Outplayed.com, but we do have our own matched betting subreddit – you can join us on there at r/GuidetoMatchedBetting.


All-in-all, OutPlayed.com is a great site for your matched betting.

That advice comes to you from us – experienced matched bettors that have been doing this for a long time.

We believe the site is worthy of a full 5-star rating, something that only a very small number of products and services are awarded here on this site.

If you want to check them out, you can do so here.

Learn How I Increased My Matched Betting Profits by 600%+ Every Month
We'll send you 5 advanced tips to take your matched betting to the next level.
Review Summary
Reviewed Item
Profit Accumulator
Our Rating
Software Name
Profit Accumulator
About the Author

This post was written by Luke Jordan. Luke founded Beating Betting at the start of 2016 and ran the site until February 2020. He is passionate about entrepreneurship, marketing and video creation.

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33 thoughts on “OutPlayed Review 2025: ( Previously Profit Accumulator )

  1. Tom says:

    Hi, this is very interesting read but I have one question. If all these companies do well at match betting and bring in lots of money from the bookies why are the bookies allowing this to happen? They are losing profits surely and would like to see these sites closed down?

    1. Luke says:

      The bookies don’t allow it to happen! It’s all about being smart. It’s such a small % of their revenue that is affected that it’s easy to go under the radar. Check out our posts on mug betting and also on being gubbed by bookies for extra info on this.

    2. Terry says:

      The bookies aren’t really that bothered. At the end of the day, you are still depositing money in their accounts and betting and more often than not losing to them (even if you are balancing out a betting exchange). They don’t really care as long as there’s money coming in and you’re losing more than you are visibly winning. As long as you don’t make it blatantly obvious what you are doing you can do it for as long as you like.

      1. John says:

        Perfect response!

  2. Jimmy says:

    Thanks for your awesome review of Profit Accumulator and odds monkey.
    My question is that does they work for People in Australia ?

    1. Luke says:

      Matched betting works and the strategies that these sites teach would work, but the individual offers would not as they’re for UK-based bookies.

  3. GPH says:

    Real difficult to trust this review when your article is padded with affiliate links to Oddsmonkey. What you write may or may not be true (I have no idea, and am trying to pick a service right now) but it’s difficult to take you on your word when you’re making cash off each click through.

    1. Luke says:

      Fair enough, you’re entitled to your opinions but I’m fairly transparent about the links and also my past affiliation with PA within the disclaimer right at the start of the post. As stated in the disclaimer, I even sacrificed earnings with PA and sales with them are worth significantly more money. I don’t think you will find another site being more open and honest about these facts than we are.

      I choose to promote the best service for matched bettors, not the service that will make me the most money.

      All I aim to do is help people make the best decision, and at this moment in time (in my opinion as an experienced matched bettor that gets to try out a wide range of services) that decision is OM for matched betting and Profit Maximiser for casino stuff. You can use this information to help make your own judgement and I hope you find the right one for you!

  4. Richard says:

    Just coming to the end of my years membership with PA.
    I use the acca matcher at PA and would like to know is how the OM acca matcher is in comparison?
    I think the main thing I need to know really is that when PA puts an acca together, it selects teams that meet the criteria of the T&C’s for the relevant bookie, however it appears that with OM you have to be the person to check that the teams they select meet the T&C’s. If this is the case then it really defeats a bit of the objective which is to have something which make things easier and quicker to get offers done.

    1. Luke says:

      The new OM acca tool that is due to be released before the end of March meets all of that criteria and they will still have the old version up too, meaning there’s a wider variety of options than anywhere else I think – happy to be corrected on that one as I can’t monitor the constantly growing number of sites there are out there!

  5. Riz says:

    Hi thanks for the review its extremely helpful for someone with no experience of matched betting- I became aware of it through a profit squirrel advert on facebook. Also I appreciate the transparency regarding your affiliation with OM. My question is this; I have memberships with most online bookmakers within the UK, will this affect/cap my profit earning potential? For example, will an individual without memberships to any bookies make more profit than myself if we make the same bets at the same stakes as they will be receiving signing up offers from the bookmakers?

    1. Luke says:

      Hi Riz,

      Thanks for stopping by!

      Having accounts with bookmakers will only stop the money coming in from the easy sign-up offers. It won’t affect your overall ability to make a decent amount of cash each month. I was already signed up with a significant amount of bookmakers (almost 20!) when I started doing this, so that goes to show how possible it still is :)

      If anything, it can be an advantage that you’ve already been a member and probably built up the profile of a mug bettor unintentionally!

      Best of luck, feel free to get in touch at any time if you need any further guidance.

  6. duder says:

    Decent article, however it may need updating at somepoint as PA now do have many calculators now, including each way, fixabet, Refund IF and a few others. My main criticism with this review is on the loophole thread. where you state loops are openly discussed. This is true, however here is a disclaimer at the top on the forum that these are to only be done by experienced members who can understand risk and EV. The loophole thread on PA is very good imo and can be very lucrative, again if you cannot manage risk and afford to lose a casino account you will probably never use again then don’t do them, loops are not and have never been openly advertised on PA for people to jump on. That is how they get rumbled. I think since PA noticed the competition within the market (OM) they have really upped their game and tbh the forum has gone downhill since i started nearly 2 years ago. There’s alot of gloating and comparing dick sizes with more experienced members which in my eyes is bad for beginners starting up. In regards to PAs acca catcher compared to OM bringing one out with included ts+cs in March, that’s a complete joke especially for full timers. Acca refunds are the bread and butter of anyone serious about mbing. PAs acca catcher has been active since October if i remember correctly, the last thing anyone wants to be doing is wasting time checking ts and cs on acca refund offers.

    1. Luke says:

      Some good points, will review when I get chance.

      Personally I disagree that accas are the bread and butter for anyone serious about MBing – I know that’s a recurring message on the PA forum – it’s all about extra places and casino for those that value their time; two areas where PA are lacking compared to the competition in our opinion.

      2018 comment edits: PA now have an extra place tool, so this helps with the above. I’ve also removed mention of inconsistent forum policies due to improvements in the area.

  7. Jodie, Matched Betting Mum says:

    This is a very comprehensive and fair review. I was tempted to leave PA after my first year because the range of tools offered by oddsmonkey is quite comprehensive. However, the 15% reduction in the annual fee tempted me to stay. Although I’m sure I’d benefit from additional each way tools, these offers are so rarely profitable (unless you get lucky, but it really is down to luck a lot of the time) that I’m not sure they warrant the extra fee. Good luck with your ongoing matched betting, I really do love this extra way of making money!

    1. Luke says:

      Hi Jodie,

      Thanks for your comment. I find each way bets to be profitable a lot of the time – I hit at least one a month and many more often. When you move on to covering a large number of horses and with bigger stakes, these can easily be worth the £2,000 monthly profit that I know many dream of hitting. And even better, you don’t have to spend every day checking results and laying further matches like you do with accas. I would definitely advise to anyone that’s been matched betting for more than six months or so to invest more time into extra places!

      How to Cover the Entire Field of Horses in a Race – in this video I discuss how I cover every single horse in an extra place race. By doing this, they’re profitable every single time – a stark contrast to being ‘so rarely profitable’.

      Of course, it’s probably fair for me to say that you’re more likely to stick up for Profit Accumulator, as you make money by referring people to their website via your own. ;)

  8. Jennie says:

    I’ve just come across matched betting this evening. Can you really make money with this?! Do you have to be good at calculating odds? How do I get started? Any help and tips would be appreciated. Thanks.

    1. Luke says:

      Hi Jennie,

      Our whole site is dedicated to helping with this :) But no, you don’t have to be good at calculating odds.

      I would recommend starting with our free beginner course: http://www.beatingbetting.co.uk/beginners-course/

      Hope this helps!

      1. Steven lowe says:

        Why isnt there a free Matched betting service? I appreciate websites take money to run but PA definitely make money from being affiliated to casinos (OddsMonkey probably do too). We’re just being ripped off!

        1. Luke says:

          Affiliate deals with bookies/casinos typically run on a percentage of customer losses. Matched bettors make a profit at the bookie long term and 50% of £0 ain’t gonna pay the bills!

  9. Ann says:

    Can u join if u are from overseas, not having a UK address? Thanks

  10. CS17 says:

    Sorry but you are spouting BS – Profit Accumulator is a community of like minded friends who help each other to achieve profits large or small. I have been supported every step of the way and by the sounds of it your outfit are just another company trying to muscle in on Profit Accumulator’s success by preaching lies.

    Profit Accumulators are the best Online Matched Betting service out there.

    1. Luke says:

      Thanks for your input, we stand by our review. If you can point out where we have lied, rather than simply voicing our opinion (which the whole review is — based on years of experience in the matched betting industry), then we will gladly get them clarified.

      I’m glad to hear you’ve not had any issues yourself.

  11. Nigel ALBRIGHT says:

    I would not touch Profit Maximiser. Mike Cruickshank still owes me a ££110 refund and he is not interested in doing anything about it.

  12. RYAN says:

    The biggest issue I had when I originally signed up to PA a couple of years ago was having enough money to front some of the bets at the beginning. In your opinion, with someone who might only have £100-200 to play around with per month, how long can you expect it to take before you are able to front larger bets – a few hundred per bet, for example?

    Similar question regarding time; if, for example, you can only find some time in the evenings (after work) and maybe a bit longer at the weekends, spending as much as mentioned above, could you expect it to take months or even years before you really start making enough to make it worthwhile?

    On top of the subscription, you do begin to wonder if you are making enough to justify the effort.

    I accept and can confirm that you do make a profit, it’s just after the 2/3 months I tried my hand at it, it felt like alot of time and money would be needed before you are in the category of earning ~£500-1000 per month.

    1. Luke says:

      There’s not really much need to get to the ‘few hundred per bet’ level — of course it helps in the grand scheme of things, but you certainly don’t need to reach those stakes to pull in good profits each month. As for whether matched betting is worth the effort, if you can make £5 in 10 minutes, a lot of people would take that in a work environment, so why not in your free time?

  13. Joshy says:

    “most detailed, in-depth and honest post possible” – BS

    you’ve changed your tune from before, did PA drop the lawsuit or did you just come to a good settlement?

    As you can see from the comments you’ve still left active, this review once ripped PA apart and their antics in trying to bring you down should be enough to persuade anyone away from them. Integrity clearly isn’t a trait you value, even having a dig at another commenter (Jodie) and their affiliation – when you jump back and forth depending on who pays you more…

    1. Luke says:

      Hi Joshy,

      I already did a video statement on this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUlK5iqqC6Q

      Integrity is actually the reason we have changed this review; we’ve always put our readers first and completely prioritised them over our own personal feelings and financial interests. As explained in the video, our hand was not forced and we did not reach any form of settlement other than a gentleman’s agreement to stop the public fallout with each other.

      1. Llani says:

        Your amazing Luke. Loved how you have answered every post. I am completely new to this but I am viewing tuotrials as I write this. Seem’s easy enough, great Vids for beginners. I’m wrapped! I will be sure to view your take on how you do it. I want to learn this…….Cheers.

        1. Luke says:

          Thanks Llani, appreciate the support. Best of luck in your matched betting journey!

  14. Paul says:

    Just one question…
    The main tool i use is the oddsmatcher.
    Iv started to notice more that at OM there realy slow at changing odds to coincide with what the bookies or exchange is.
    It Can take 3/4 minutes to match up at times , then obviously by time you get things ready to place it can have changed again ..
    Side by side who has the best processing power.
    Which oddsmatcher is quicker when it comes down to it..
    OM have great features that I’m used to using , but wouldn’t bother me to open a 2nd account if there matcher was a lot faster ..

  15. Jordan Palmer says:

    Hey man, really good review here! Have been thinking of different ways i can use the internet to start building a secondary income! This looks like a very good way tbf.. Now im torn between this and profit squirrel.. I found this review online and that had me convinced but since seeing you review of profit accumulator im unsure. What’s your thoughts?


    1. Luke says:

      We have a review of their service already on Beating Betting, but I’ll summarise my thoughts here: their membership cost is overpriced compared to their competitors and their software isn’t as good in my opinion. Other sites often recommend them because their affiliate commissions are very generous.

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